Trudograd steam download free
Trudograd steam download free

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In it, you will get to visit brand new locations, meet new characters, and finally build a personal base many of you asked for ever since the release.

  • The game resources were repacked to speed up loading time on older HDD.Īfter several months of work we are finally ready to present you with the final planned update for Trudograd.
  • Fixed several minor community-reported bugs.
  • Optimized game to perform better on low-end hardware.
  • Fixed various minor typos and errors in the game texts.
  • trudograd steam download free

    Added reworked Polish language localization.Please, enjoy! And should there be any feedback about the new translation, please feel free to message us at or use the Steam forums. Today we're updating ATOM RPG with a fair quantity of new fixes and optimizations, as well as the highly awaited, fully reworked Polish localization many of you were expecting for a long time now. We thank you for reading and hope you'll enjoy the update, So updating is recommended for everyone, not just those who wish to play the game in Japanese! The same patch that adds this localization also contains a fair few of minor fixes: mostly spelling mistakes in all game versions, spotted by our players, and minor improvements. As with all our localizations, please feel free to send us any kind of feedback to this forum thread: We know that this event was long awaited by some of our players and we really hope the results will be to your liking. With the help of pe_yang, who took on this task, Trudograd was translated into the Japanese language. Today we are happy to announce a new localization for Trudograd. Update on your device to get: Traditional Chinese, Polish and Ukrainian localizations, gamepad support and much awaited fixes! New patch for ATOM RPG on Andoid & iOS is out. You wanted it? You got it! Atom RPG: Trudograd now on Epic Store. Achievements and overlay panel for themĪTOM RPG: Post-apocalyptic indie game.

    trudograd steam download free

    Today we're updating ATOM RPG version 1.186 During the Stove Indie Awards, we won the Wannabe Partner Award, which selects games that are expected by users in the indie scene.Ĭongratulations to all other partners too!ĪTOM RPG: Post-apocalyptic indie game Version 1.186

    Trudograd steam download free